Implant-Retained Dentures

Implant Dentistry

You may have worn dentures for many years, or you may already know that due to gum disease or decay, you’ll need to have your remaining teeth removed. The thought of wearing dentures, or removable teeth, may not bother you, or may even be the best choice for you. But you do want to make sure they fit as comfortably and securely as possible. You don’t want to be eating at a nice restaurant with friends or family when your teeth decide to fall out!

Dental implants are the answer. They can be placed in the jaw and have special corresponding attachments to “lock down” your dentures. You snap your teeth in place and they stay secure all day. No messy adhesive is needed since the implants do all the work for you. You talk, eat and do anything you want to without the fear or insecurity of your teeth moving or shifting.

Typically, four implants are used in each jaw to offer maximum stabilization for a denture. In certain circumstances, fewer (or more) may be the right option for you. These are full-size, conventional dental implants that are intended to last your entire lifetime. You simply brush them as though they were real teeth, and have them professionally cleaned and checked periodically as Dr. Fisher and Dr. Zitterich recommends for your specific situation.

Please see examples of Implant-Retained Dentures with our actual patients in our Implant-Retained Dentures Gallery.