Below you will find answer to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) by patients. However, if you don’t find the answer to your question below, please feel free to contact the Fisher & Zitterich office via the form below. It would be our pleasure to provide you with the answer(s) you seek.
Why are checkups needed every 6 months, even for people with great oral health?

We use DIAGNOdent laser cavity detection to find cavities in the earliest stages, and often that means before you see or feel them. Early detection allows us to provide the most conservative treatment, which saves you time, expense, and possible discomfort. We’ll also screen you for oral cancer, a disease that will affect more than 30,000 Americans this year. Oral cancer can be deadly, but early detection offers an 80% cure rate. Gum disease is another sneaky problem that we try to catch early. It has been linked to stroke, heart attack, osteoporosis, and other health risks and is the leading cause of tooth loss in American adults.

What precautions do you take to ensure patient safety?

We follow strict guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and OSHA. Our practices include sealing and sterilizing reusable instruments in an autoclave, disinfecting treatment rooms between patient visits, and using disposable products whenever possible. For your safety, we always wear disposable gloves during exams and treatment.

How long do dental implants last?

The life of the implant depends on your age, oral status, and personal hygiene. With proper maintenance, they last most people a lifetime. Dr. Fisher placed and restored his first implants in his father-in-law, Cecil Davis, 20 years ago and they are performing just as they did when brand new.

Does your office use lasers?

Yes. We use laser dentistry for precise, comfortable treatment… DIAGNOdent is our cavity-detection laser. It scans your teeth to find decay and areas prone to decay. We also use the newest state of the art dental laser, the iLASE for gum tissue sculpting and gum lifts. No stitches are required and there is usually no soreness at all afterwards.

What are my options to replace missing teeth?

We offer bridgework, partials, full dentures, and dental implants. Learn more about these options on our Family Dentistry and Implant Dentistry pages, or call for your complimentary consultation. With digital X-rays, intraoral photos, and a thorough assessment of your mouth and smile, Dr. Fisher and Dr. Zitterich can help you decide which replacement option is best for you.

I avoid dental visits because of anxiety…is this normal? Can you help?

Many people fear dental visits. We understand dental anxiety and offer many options to help you overcome your stress. With sedation dentistry, we can help you gain full peace of mind and body so that you can receive the dental work you need – and deserve.

How can I improve my smile?

That sounds like an easy question to answer, but it isn’t… at least not here! Your smile is as unique as you are. Smile design dentistry done right requires an initial complimentary consultation in which we’ll discuss your goals, preferences, and options for care. Generally speaking, we may suggest options such as porcelain veneers or Lumineers, teeth whitening, all-white restorations, and/or replacement teeth. Gummy smiles may be improved dramatically with gum sculpting or a gum lift. Invisalign clear braces may also be involved to move your teeth to straighten your teeth. After your comprehensive evaluation and consultation, we’ll present a treatment plan for your new smile. We offer digital imaging for smile previews, as well.

My teeth are stained. Can you help?

Yes. We offer whitening solutions to brighten teeth dramatically at home or in our office. Call for an appointment today!

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FAQs - Living Magazine


American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
Academy of General Dentistry (AAGD)
American Dental Association (ADA)
American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID)
LVI Global
International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI)
American Dental Association (ADA)
American Dental Association (ADA)

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